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Workshop #1—Developing Innovative Creative Ways Of Teaching

This class will explore innovative and creative strategies that make the best use of time, learning styles and engagement principles.  It will examine creative teaching at all age levels and environments.



Workshop #2—Revisiting The Vision: Tools For Rebuilding A Great Organization

This class will explore valuable components involved in systematically building or rebuilding a great organization.  It's designed to assist in developing a systematic plan that is consistent to giving predictable outcomes.



Workshop #3— Celebrate Recovery: Developing & Implementing An Addiction Recovery Ministry 

This class is designed to share strategies for developing and implementing ministries of recovery.  It will focus on ministries designed to combat compulsive behaviors in the form of eating disorders, gambling, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual addiction and other addictions which are destroying the fabric of live, families and communities.



Workshop #4—The Church And Social Justice Issues Today

This class will share theological, social, and political resources that can be leveraged to respond to the pressing social issues affecting communities from mass incarceration, public education to healthcare and housing reform.  It will discuss biblical and theological perspectives that call forth a prophetic and passionate response.



Workshop #5—Transitioning Youth Into Young Adulthood

This class is designed to focus on reasons why young adults often leave the church and implementing strategies and methodologies that can be employed to retain them.  Emphasis will be placed on identifying the needs and interests of young adults and how to actively transition them from teenage years to young adulthood and to engage them to embrace the church and its ministry.



Workshop #6—How To Study And Interpret The Bible  

This class is designed to lead the student to employ the resources and tools of hermeneutics and biblical analysis.  It will train students in the use of tools, strategies and methodologies for conducting biblical research, to include the newest technological advances and software. 



Workshop #7—Spreading The Gospel In 140 Characters Or Less 

Jesus used parables, the medium of His time, to communicate profound spiritual truths to His followers.  Learn to use the tools of our time to spread the message of Christ more widely than ever before.  We will cover applying Twitter, Face Book, YouTube, blogging and setting up websites using free tools.



Workshop #8— Leadership And Conflict Management 

This class is designed to share approaches that will help leaders confront and correct tension in ministry.  It will explore ways to confront, and solve conflicting issues within the church’s ministry.



Workshop #9—Think Orange: Family Home Discipleship 

This class is designed to share how the Church and Home can work together to affect the lives of families for Christ.  It will explore issues of family home discipleship as the foundation for continued Christian education in the church’s ministry.

Training Module 1

9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.

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